
XVISION-525 X-ray System

XVISION-525 is the most efficient choice applicable both for digital and analogue environments. The digital compatible and field upgradeable system offers the most cost-effective solutions and the great versatility in any clinical environment.

Strong Point
• Freely rotating tube which allows exposures from various angles
• Numerous Anatomical Programmed Radiography(APR) for optimized image quality at low dose
• Dual focal spot tube for thin and large part
• Superb image quality with high frequency X-ray generator for faster and more confident diagnosis
• Electro-magnetic lock system for patient safety

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XVISION-525 is the most efficient choice applicable both for digital and analogue environments. The digital compatible and field upgradeable system offers the most cost-effective solutions and the great versatility in any clinical environment.

Strong Point
• Freely rotating tube which allows exposures from various angles
• Numerous Anatomical Programmed Radiography(APR) for optimized image quality at low dose
• Dual focal spot tube for thin and large part
• Superb image quality with high frequency X-ray generator for faster and more confident diagnosis
• Electro-magnetic lock system for patient safety

Rotating Tube Stand
● The powerful rotating anode tube with dual focal spots
● Exposure from various angles and easy and fast positioning
● Accurate and comfortable patients positioning

User Concentrated Interface
● Feel comfortable throughout simplified workflows with intuitive and user-friendly interface

4-Way Floating Table
● Smooth workflow with comfortable and easy patient positioning
● The large range of longitudinal and transversal movements